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help us

"reframe" the future...

Buzz Wordsss!!!!

Big Data!

Machine Learning!

Data Science!

Internet of Things!

That Truly Apply to Us!


Our team can do a lot of things, but we wouldn't dare to do them alone. From corporate sponsors, to nonprofit partners, to team members, and even individuals like you! We've created a plan that'll let anyone and everyone get involved in our mission.



Our team is always looking for COMPANIES to partner with to help our technological development, and to help us raise the funds we need to do what we do. We're also always partnering with NONPROFITS, using our data to help target cleanup responses, free of charge to the nonprofit. Why? Because it's the right thing to do... 

Are you one of these fake companies? Are you a real company? Reach out to us!


If you're an MIT AFFILIATE, you're in luck! You can join our student team and help make a difference in the world by helping us develop technology, collect data, and determine target response plans. If you're NOT AN AFFILIATE we still want to work with you! Become a data collector, you use our technology to collect data where you live contributing to our online database!

Are you human? We're human too! Let's be human together!

Contact Us

We'll Reach Out to You!

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